Monday, December 22, 2008

December 2008 Crochet Klatch

As requested, I've included our patterns from the December 2008 Crochet Klatch. However, they are minus the pictures. You may stop by the library and get photocopies of the pattern with the pictures.

Six Point Snowflake

To start: Ch 15. Join with a sl st in first
ch at beg to form a ring.

Rnd 1: (Ch 4, tr in ring, ch 4, sl st in ring) 12 times.

Rnd 2: Sl st in first ch 4 at beg of the rnd, sc in tr, (ch
11, skip next tr, sc in next tr) 5 times, ch 11, skip next tr. sl st in first
sc at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, (sc in each of the first 5 ch sts, 3 sc in next
ch st, sc in each of the next 5 ch sts) 6 times. Sl st in first sc at beg of
the rnd.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in first sc where sl st was made, sc in each
of the next 5 sc, 3 sc in next sc (center sc of the 3 sc group), sc in each of
the next 6 sc, (sc in each of the next 6 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of the
next 6 sc) 5 times. Sl st in first sc at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in first sc where sl st was made, sc in each
of the next 6 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of the next 7 sc, (sc in each of
the next 7 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each 01 the next 7 sc) 5 times. Sl st .in
first sc at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in first sc where sl st was made, * ch 6,
skip 7 sc, tr in next sc (center sc of the 3 sc group) ch 2, for picot ch 3, sl
st in 3rd ch from hook, ch 2, (tr in same sc, ch 2, picot, ch 2) 3 times, tr in
same sc, ch 6, skip 7 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc.

Rep from * 5 more times, ending sc in next sc, sl st in
first sc at . beg of the rnd. Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

On rnd 5 sew a bead at each point, as shown above.

Tie ribbon into a small bow and tack it under one bead, as
shown above.

Hang ornament with matching thread.


To start: Ch 50. Join with a sl st to first
ch to form a ring, being careful not to twist ch.

Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), ch 2, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch,
(ch 2, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch) 23 times, ending ch 2, skip 1 ch, sl st in top
of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 2: S1 st in ch 2 sp, ch 3 (counts as dc), 2 dc in same
sp, ch 2, (3 dc in next ch 2 sp, ch 2) 24 times. S1 st in top of ch 3 at beg of
the rnd.

Rnd 3: Ch 4 (counts as a tr), (yo twice, draw up a loop in
next dc, yo, draw through 2 loops on hook, yo, draw through 2 loops on hook,
leaving last loop on hook) 2 times, yo, draw through rem 3 loops on hook, ch 4,
sc in ch 2 sp, ch 4, ** (yo twice, draw up a loop in next dc, yo, draw through
2 loops on hook, yo, draw through 2 loops on hook, leaving last loop on hook) 3
times, yo and draw through rem 4 loops on hook – 3 tr cluster made, ch 4, sc in
ch 2 sp, ch 4. Rep from ** 23 times, ending with sl st to top of tr cluster at
beg of round.

Rnd 4: (Ch 6, sl st in top of next tr cluster) 24 times, ch
6, sl st in first ch of ch 6 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 5: Sl st in next 2 ch sts of ch 6 sp, (ch 7, sl st in
next ch 6 sp, 24 times, ending ch 7, sl st in 3rd sl st at beg of the rnd.
Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Weave ribbon through rnd 1, having ends extend evenly; tie
into a small bow, as shown above.

On rnd 3 sew five beads evenly spaced, as shown above.

Hang ornament with matching thread.

Four Point Snowflake

Rnd 1: Beg at OUTSIDE rnd, ch 20, sl st in
first ch to form a ring, being careful not to twist ch.

Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in each of the next 4 ch sts, * 2
dc in each of the next 3 ch sts, for picot ch 5 sl st in 5th ch from hook, for
picot ch 7 sl st in 7th ch from hook, for picot ch 5 sl st in 5th ch from hook,
sl st in first ch of first picot, 2 dc in each of the next 3 ch sts, dc in each
of the next 5 ch sts, (scallop made) ch 4, for picot ch 5 sl st in 5th ch from
hook, for picot ch 7 sl st in 7th ch from hook, for picot ch 5 sl st in 5th ch
from hook, sl st in first ch of first picot.

* * Ch 27, sl st in 7th ch from starting ch, sl st in the
6th and 5th ch sts, (3 sl sts count as first dc), dc in each of the first 4 ch
sts in the ring. Rep from * 3 times, ending at * * on 3rd rep. Ch 4, sl st in
top of first dc of first scallop.

Rnd 2: Keeping right side facing up, turn work toward center
of shape.

(Ch 5, sc in first ch before next scallop, ch 5, (yo twice,
draw up a Ip in ch sp of scallop, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw
through 2 Ips on hook leaving last Ip on hook) 3 times, yo, draw through 4 rem
Ips on hook, 3 treble cluster made (tr clust) ch 5, sc in first ch after
scallop) 4 times. Sl st in first ch, ch 1.

Rnd 3: Sc in each ch and in 3 tr clust around, skipping the
sc sts. Sl st in first sc.

Rnd 4: Turn work and sl st in 6 sc to the sc over the 3 tr
clust, turn. (3 tr, in sc over 3 tr clust) 4 times. Sl st in first tr. Fasten

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Sew a bead at center of each 3 picot group, as shown above.
Tie ribbon into a small bow and tack to 3 picot group on one scallop.

Hang ornament with matching thread.

Five Point Star

Rnd 1: Ch 2, 10 sc in end ch from hook. Sl st
in first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 4 (counts as a tr), ch 2, (tr in next sc, ch 2) 9
times, sl s in top of ch 4 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) 2 dc in ch 2 sp, dc in tr, 2 dc
in ch 2 sp, ch 3, (dc in tr, 2 dc in ch 2 sp, dc in next tr, 2 dc in ch 2 sp, c
3) 4 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at 'beg of the rnd.

Rnd 4: Ch 4 (counts as a tr) (yo twice, draw up a Ip in next
dc, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook leaving last
Ip on hook) 5 times, yo, draw through rem 6 Ips on hook, ch 15, ** (yo twice,
draw up a Ip in next dc, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through 2 Ips
on hook leaving last Ip on hook) 6 times, yo, draw through rem 7 Ips on hook 6
treble cluster made (tr clust), ch 15. Rep from ** 4 times. Sl in top of first
tr clust.

Rnd 5: (In ch 15 sp work 3 sc, 3 dc, 4 tr, ch 3, 4 tr, 3 dc,
3 sc, ch 1) 5 times. Sl st in top of first sc at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 6: Sl st in last ch 1 sp made, ch 4 (counts as a tr), ch
8, 5 tr in ch 3 sp, ch 8, (tr in ch 1 sp, ch 8, 5 tr in ch 3 sp, ch 8) 4 times,
ending sl st in top of ch 4 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 7: ** (Ch 2, for picot ch 3 sl st in 3rd ch from hook,
ch 2, sl st in ch 8 sp) twice, ch 5, 5 tr clust in the 5 tr, for picot ch 4 sl
st in 4th ch from hook, ch 5, (sl st in ch 8 sp, ch 2, for picot ch 3 sl st in
3rd ch from hook, ch 2) twice, sl st in tr. Rep from ** 4 more times. Fasten

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

On rnd 4 sew a bead at top of each 6 tr clust, as shown
above. Tie ribbon into a small bow and tack to top of one 5 tr clust, as shown

Hang ornament with matching thread.


To start: Ch 5. Sl st in first ch to form a

Rnd 1: Ch 3, (counts as a dc), (dc in ring) 11 times, 12 dc
in ring. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as a dc). Dc in same st, where sl st was
made, (2 dc in next dc) 11 times - 24 dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the

Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) 2 dc in next dc, (dc in next
dc, 2 dc in next dc) 11 times - 36 dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) 2 dc in next dc, (dc in next
dc, 2 dc in next dc) 17 times - 54 dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 5: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in each of the next 53 dc on
the rnd - 54 dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 6: Rep rnd 5.

Rnd 7: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in next dc, ch 1, skip next
dc, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 1, skip next dc) 17 times. Sl st in top of
ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 8: Rep rnd 7.

Rnd 9: Ch 3, (counts as a dc), dc in next dc, dc in ch 1 sp,
(dc in each of the next 2 dc, dc in ch 1 sp) 17 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at
beg of the rnd.

Rnd 10: Ch 3, (counts as a dc), 3 dc in same st where sl st
was made (4 dc), ch 4, skip 5 dc, (4 dc in next ch, ch 4, skip 5 dc) 8 times. Sl
st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 11: Ch 1, (sc in each of the next 4 dc, 4 sc in ch 4 sp)
9 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 12: Turn and work in the opposite direction. (Ch 12,
skip 3 sc, sl st in each of the next 4 sc) 9 times, skip last 4 sc at end, ch
1, turn.

Rnd 13: To form scallop, in ch 12 space [8 sc, picot (ch 4,
sl st in 4th ch from hook), 8 sc], ch 1, **in next ch 12 sp [3 sc,
ch 3, sl st in 3rd sc from bottom of last scallop, ch 6, sl st in
first ch of ch 3, 5 sc, picot (ch 4, sl st in 4th ch from hook),
***** 8 sc], ch 1. Rep from ** 7 times, stopping at ***** on last rep. 5 sc in
ch 12 sp, ch 3, sl st in 3rd sc of first scallop, ch 6, sl st in
first ch of ch 3 on last scallop, 3 sc in ch 12 sp, ch 1, sl st in first sc of
scallop. Fasten off.

Rnd 14: Working on the same side, attach thread at and ch 6
space. Ch 4 (counts as tr), ch 3, (tr in same ch 6 sp, ch 3) 3 times. Sl st in
picot, ch 3, ** tr in next ch 6 sp, ch 3, (tr in same ch 6 sp, ch 3) 3 times,
sl st in next picot, ch 3. Repeat from ** 8 times. Sl st in 4th ch
at beg of the rnd.

Handle: Sl st to next tr of first tr group. Ch to measure 4
½ inches long. Sl in opposite ch 3 sp on other side of basket (next to picot),
being careful not to twist ch. Ch 3, sl st in ch 3 sp on other side of picot.
Dc in each ch st across, sl st in next tr of first group. Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Weave ribbon through rnd 7. Turn ends to underside and tack.

Tie two small double ribbon bows and tack to ends of handle,
as shown above.


Rnd 1: Ch 4, work 7 dc in first ch, 8 dc counting the ch 3
at beg of rnd as a dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, (counts as a dc), dc in same st, dc in next dc,
(2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc) 3 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the

Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in each dc around 12 dc. Sl
st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in first dc, dc in next dc,
(2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc) 5 times 18 dc. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of
the rnd.

Rnd 5: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in each dc around 18 dc. Sl
st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 6: Rep rnd 5.

Rnd 7: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in first dc, dc in each of
the next 2 dc, (2 dc in next dc, dc in each of the next 2 dc) 5 times. Sl st in
top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 8: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in each dc 24 dc. Sl st in
top of ch 3 at beg of the rod.

Rnd 9: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2
dc, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc) 5 times. 81 st in top of ch
3 at' beg of the rnd.

Rnd 10: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in next dc, 3 dc in ch 2
sp, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, 3 dc in ch 2 sp) 5 times. 81 st in top of ch
3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 11: Ch 3 (c0lknts as a dc), dc in next dc, ch 3, skip 3
dc, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 3, skip 3 dc) 5 times. Sl st in top of ch
3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 12: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) dc in next dc, 4 dc in ch 3
sp, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, 4 dc in ch 3 sp) 5 times. Sl st in top of ch
3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 13: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in next dc, ch 4, skip 4
dc, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 4, skip 4 dc) 5 times. Sl st in top of ch
3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 14: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in next dc, 5 dc in ch 4
sp, (dc in each of the next 2 dc, 5 dc in ch 4 sp) 5 times. Sl st in top of ch
3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 15: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in each dc (42 dc). Sl st
in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 16: Repeat Rnd 15.

Rnd 17: (Ch 9, sk 6 dc, sl st in next dc) 6 times, omitting
the last sl st.

Rnd 18: (Work 2 sc, 2dc, 5 tc, 2dc, 2sc in each ch 9 sp –
scallop made) 6 times, omitting last sl st.

Rnd 19: Sl st in next sc, sl st in first dc, turn and work
from wrong side. (Ch 2, sl st in first dc of next scallop, ch 6, sl st in 2nd tr, ch 4, skip next tr, sl st in next tr, ch 6, sl st in 2nd dc) 6

Rnd 20: Sl st in last ch 6 sp made, (ch 2, sl st in next ch
6 space, ch 4, sl st in ch 4 sp, ch 4, sl st in same sp, ch 4, sl st in ch 6
sp) 6 times. DO NOT FASTEN OFF.

Handle: Sl st in last ch 4 sp, ch 2, sl st in next ch 4
space, ch to measure 4 ½ inches for handle. Sl st in ch 4 sp opposite on
cornucopia from last sl st, ch 4, sl st in next ch 4 sp (ch 1, sk 1 ch, tr in
next ch) across handle, ch 1, sl st in first sl st. Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Weave ribbon through handle. Turn ends to underside and tack
in place.

Tie two small ribbon bows and tack to ends of handle as
shown above.

Sew a bead at end of scallops, as shown above.

Eight Point Snowflake

To start: Ch 12. Sl st to first ch at beg to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), work 23 dc in ring-24 dc. Sl
st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in each of the next 4 dc,
ch 6 (skip one dc, dc in each of the next 5 dc, ch 6) 3 times. Sl st in top of
ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 3: Sl st in 2nd dc, ch 3, (counts as a dc), dc in each
of the next 2 dc, ch 5, sc in ch 6 sp, ch 5, (skip the first dc, dc in each of
the next 3 dc, ch 5, sc in ch 6 sp, ch 5) 3 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg
of the rnd.

Rnd 4: Sl st in 2nd dc, ch 3 (counts as a dc), ch 6, dc in
same st as where sl st was made, ch 4, sc in ch 5 sp, ch 6, sc in next ch 5 sp,
ch 4, (dc in 2nd dc, ch 6, dc in same st, ch 4, sc in ch 5 sp, ch 6, sc in next
ch 5 sp, ch 4) 3 times, ending sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 5: Sl st in first and 2nd ch of ch 6 sp, ch 3 (counts as
a dc), work 4 dc in same ch 6 sp, ch 8, 2 dc in next ch 6 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in
same ch 6 sp, ch 8, (5 dc in next ch 6 sp, ch 8, 2 dc in next ch 6 sp, ch 3, 2
dc in same ch 6 sp, ch 8) 3 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the rnd .

Rnd 6: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc in each of the next 4 dc,
ch 8, 2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc in ch 3 sp, ch 8, (dc in each of the next 5 dc, ch 8, 2
dc, ch 3, 2 dc in ch 3 sp, ch 8,) 3 times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of the

Rnd 7: Ch 4 (counts as a tr), (yo twice, draw up a Ip in
next dc, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook leaving
last Ip on hook) 4 times, yo, draw through rem 5 Ips on hook, ch 8, sc over the
two ch 8 sps below on rnds 5 and 6, ch 8, 2 tr, ch 3, 2 tr in ch 3 sp, ch 8, sc
over the next two ch 8 sps, ch 8, ** (yo twice, draw up a Ip in next dc, yo,
draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook leaving last Ip on
hook) 5 times, yo, draw through rem 6 Ips on hook, 5 treble cluster made (tr
clust), ch 8, sc over two ch 8 sps, ch 8, 2 tr, ch 3, 2 tr in ch 3 sp, ch 8, sc
over the two ch 8 sps, ch 8) rep from ** 2 more times. Sl st in first tr

Rnd 8: Sl st in last ch 8 sp of rnd 7, (ch 4, 8 sc in each
of the next two ch 8 sp, 2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc in ch 3 sp, 8 sc in each of the next
two ch 8 sp) 4 times. Sl st in sl st at beg of the rnd.

Rnd 9: ** Work 3 sc in ch 4 sp, for picot ch 4 sl st in 4th
ch from hook, 3 sc in same sp, (ch 3, skip one sc, sl st in next sp) 9 times, 2
sc in ch 3 sp, ch 2, picot, ch 2, 2 sc in same sp, (ch 3, skip one sc, sl st in
next sc) 9 times. Rep from ** 3 more times. Sl st in first sc at beg of the
rnd. Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Tie ribbon into a small bow and tack to a picot on rnd 9, as
shown above. On rnd 7 sew a bead to sc (over the two ch 8 sps), as shown above.
Hang ornament with matching thread.


To start: Ch 4. Sl st in first ch to form a

Row 1: Ch 4 (counts as a tr), tr in ring, (ch 2, 2 tr in
ring) twice. Ch 4, turn.

Row 2: The ch 4 (counts as a tr), tr in same st as ch 4, 2
tr in next tr. 3, 2 tr in each of the next 2 tr) twice. Ch 4, turn.

Row 3: The ch 4 (counts as a tr), (yo twice, draw up a Ip in
next tr, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook leaving
last lp on hook) 3 times, yo, draw through rem 4 Ips on hook, ** (ch 8, yo
twice draw up a Ip in next tr, yo, draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo, draw through
2 Ips on hook leaving last Ip on hook) 4 times, yo, draw through rem 5 lps on
hook - 4 treble cluster made, (tr clust). Rep from ** once. Ch 4, turn.

Row 4: The ch 4 (counts as a tr), ** Work 2 tr in ch 8 sp,
(ch 2, 2 tr in same sp) twice, ch 4. Rep from ** in 2nd ch 8 sp, ending tr in 4
tr clust. Ch 4, turn.

Row 5: The ch 4 (counts as a tr) (2 tr in each of the next 2
tr, ch 2) 3 times, ch 1, sc in ch 4 sp, ch 3, 2 tr in each of the next 2 tr,
(ch 2, 2 tr in each of the next 2 tr) twice, tr in top of ch 4. DO NOT TURN,

Rnd 1: (Ch 5, sc over end tr of row below) 5 times, ch 8, sc
over end tr of first row on opposite side, (ch 5, sc over end tr of row above)
4 times, ch 5. Sl st in top of tr at beg of row 5.

Rnd 2: (Ch 5, sc in next ch 5 sp) 5 times, (ch 5, sc in ch 8
sp) 3 times, (ch 5, sc in next ch 5 sp) 5 times, ch 5, sl st in top of ch 4 of
rnd 1. **(Ch 5, sc in ch 8 sp) twice. Rep from ** twice, ch 1, sc in next ch 8
sp, ch 5, sc in same sp, ***(ch 5, sc in next ch 8 sp) twice. Rep from ***
once, ch 5, sl st in last tr of rnd 1.

Rnd 3: Sl st in first ch 5, (ch 5, sc in ch 5 sp) 19 times,
ch 4, sl st in ch 1 sp, ch 4, (sc in ch 5 sp, ch 5) 6 times.

Rnd 4: (7 sc in ch 5 sp) 19 times. (3 sc over both ch 4 sp
and ch 5 sp on rnds 2 and 3) twice, (7 sc in ch 5 sp) 6 times. Sl st in first
sc at beg of rnd.

Rnd 5: (Ch 4, skip 2 sc, sl st in next sc) 60 times. Fasten

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Weave ribbon through rnd 3, having ends extend evenly; tie
into a bow as shown above.

Hang ornament with matching thread.


To start: Ch 4. Sl st in first ch to form a

Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as a dc), ch 2, (dc in ring, ch 2) 7
times. Sl st in top of ch 3 at beg of rnd.

Rnd 2: Ch 2, (for picot ch 2 sl st in 2nd ch from hook, ch
2, sl st in next dc, ch 2) 8 times. Sl st in first ch 2 and in the picot. Ch 5,


Row 1: (Sl st in next picot, ch 5) twice, sl st in next
picot. Ch 4 turn.

Row 2: Work 2 dc; ch 1, 2 dc in 3rd ch of ch 5, ch 1) 3 times,
dc in last picot. Ch 4, turn.

Row 3: (Work 2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, 2 dc in ch 1
sp, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 4. Ch 5,

Row 4: (Yo, draw up a Ip in next dc, yo, draw through 2 Ips
on hook leaving last Ip on hook) 3 times, yo, draw through rem 4 Ips on hook 3 dc
cluster made (3 dc clust), ch 2, dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc clust
over the next 3 dc, ch 2) 3 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 4. Ch 8, turn.

Row 5: (2 dc clust over the next 2 dc, ch 4, skip next ch 2
sp, dc in next ch 2 sp, ch 4) twice, 2 dc clust in next 2 dc, ch 5, dc in 3rd
ch of ch 5. Ch 8, turn.

Row 6: (Dc in 2 dc clust, ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 5) 2
times, dc in 2 dc clust, ch 5, dc in 3rd ch of ch 5. Ch 8, turn.

Row 7: (2 dc in next dc, ch 5) 5 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch
8. Ch 8, turn.

Row 8: (2 dc in each of the next 2 dc, ch 5) 5 times, dc in
3rd ch of ch 8. Ch 7, turn.

Row 9: (Dc in next dc, ch 4, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc, ch 4)
5 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 7. Ch 7, turn.

Row 10: (Dc in dc, ch 5, dc in dc, ch 4) 4 times, dc in next
dc, ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 4, dc in 3rd ch of ch 7. Ch 5, turn.

Row 11: (Dc in next dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in 3rd ch of
ch 5, ch 2, dc in next dc, ch 2) 5 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 7. Ch 5, turn.

Row: 12: (Dc in dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, 2 dc
in ch 1 sp, dc in next dc, 2 dc in last dc, ch 2, dc in dc, ch 2) 5 times, dc
in 3rd ch of ch 5. Ch 5, turn.

Row 13: (Dc in dc, ch 2, 3 dc clust over next 3 dc, ch 2, dc
in each of the next 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc clust over last 3 dc, ch 2, dc in dc, ch
2) 5 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 5. Ch 5, turn.

Row 14: (Dc in dc, ch 2, dc in 3 dc clust, for picot ch 3 sl
st in last dc made, ch 2, 2 dc clust over next 2 dc, for picot ch 4 sl st in 2 dc
clust, ch 2, dc in 3 dc clust, for picot ch 3 sl st in last dc made, ch 2, dc
in dc, ch 2) 5 times, dc in 3rd ch of ch 5. Fasten off.

Stiffen ornament. See General Directions for stiffening.

Tassel and Fan finishing

Cut a 3" (7.5cm) square of cardboard. Wrap same color
thread 30 times around cardboard. Using same thread, thread needle with large
eye, at one end tie strands of thread together tight. Cut threads at remaining
end, remove from cardboard.

Wrap the strands tightly around 1/4" (6mm) from top,
then reverse the tassel, bringing the strands over the knob just formed.

Arrange the strands smoothly and wrap around again; fasten
by stitching into the wrapping.

Pull the needle through the wrapping and bring it out at top
of tassel. Sew to base of fan.

Sew a bead at base of fan. On rnd 11 sew a bead at center of
each 2dc, ch2, 2dc group. Weave green ribbon through rnd 6 and red ribbon
through rnd 9, turn ends to underside and tack.

Hang ornament with matching thread.

Stiffening Instructions

Prepare starch following package directions for medium
starch. (Others have used Elmers Glue or acrylic sprays to stiffen items)

Wet all ornaments thoroughly with starch, wring out.

Lay all ornaments except basket and cornucopia on a covered
flat surface.

Shape and pin in place.

Do not remove pins until completely dry.

For basket: Cover jar with a plastic bag,
place jar into basket and shape basket around jar, shaping edges outward. Allow
to dry completely before removing jar.

For cornucopia: Roll a cone from a piece of oak tag to size
of cornucopia.

Tape together, as shown.

Cover cone with plastic bag.

Place cornucopia over cone, pulling it down slightly to
shape ends. Allow to dry completely before removing cone.

Monday, June 16, 2008

6/19/08 Crochet Klatch

Welcome to the Crochet Klatch. We are here the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM at the Seymour Public Library.

My name is Kathy Niccum and I’ve been crocheting over 30 years. I grew up in Seymour, escaped for a while, but missed the “small town” so much that I came back.

Bring your questions, patterns/projects you need help with, tidbits for other crocheters, and even finished projects to show off.

You can reach me for help between classes either by email at or by cell at 812-525-2352 (be sure to leave me a message).

Helpful crochet links

This is just a starter list - many more can be found by doing an internet search or checking at your local library of yarn store.